Customize your PDU
Step 1 Select quantity of each PDU module to customize your desired PDU style.
Step 2 After your PDU is created, click and drag the module up or down to adjust its location on the PDU.
Step 3 Request for a quote: fill in quantity of PDU, contact information, E-mail address and message. Click “SUBMIT” and wait for a quote to be sent to your mailbox.

Module type

Width Picture Quantity Total
1 Left ear 26mm -
2 Logo 21.5mm -
3 Logo 43mm -
4 Switch + Surge Protector 64.5mm -
5 Switch 43mm -
6 Circuit Breaker 107.5mm -
7 Surge Protector 86mm -
8 NEMA 5-15R 32.25mm -
9 IEC320 C13 32.25mm -
10 IEC320 C13 Locking 43mm -
11 IEC320 C14 53.75mm -
12 IEC320 C19 64.5mm -
13 IEC320 C20 64.5mm -
14 CN 10A 43mm -
15 CN 10A x2 43mm -
16 CN 16A 43mm -
17 Schuko DE/EU 43mm -
18 Universal 43mm -
19 Blank 43mm -
20 Blank 21.5mm -
21 Blank 10.75mm -
22 RJ45 17.92mm -
23 Right ear 26mm -
  Dimension of your customized PDU length: -
Nominal Operating Voltage 125VAC 230VAC Other
PDU Type 1U, 19 inch 1.5U, 19 inch 0U, customized length
PDU Housing 44.5mm x 44.5mm 44.5mm x 89mm 66mm x 66mm
Grounding Lug Location Top side Bottom side Back side Without grounding lug
Power Input Power Cord IEC320 C14 IEC320 C20
Input Power Cord Length 14AWG x 10ft (NEMA 5-15P) Without power cord 3 x 2.5mm² or Other
Quantity*:   Company:
Contact*:    E-mail*:   Tel: